The Council of Ministers of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) have adopted legal instruments to implement the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement (TFTA) once it enters into force.
The CTMS was launched in Tlokweng Botswana on the 20th of May 2022. More information on the CTMS and the draft agenda of the program can be viewed in the documents below.
The lack of an integrated and liberalised road transport market in the East and Southern African (EA-SA) region poses numerous obstacles to trade by causing severe delays and increased transport costs, as well as challenges to road safety and durability. This programme (which builds on previous actions) addresses these challenges through the implementation of harmonised road transport policies, laws, regulations, systems and standards that affect drivers, loads, vehicles and road infrastructure in the countries of the EA-SA region.
The overall strategic objective is to facilitate the development of a more competitive integrated and liberalised regional road transport market in the EA-SA region.
To develop and implement harmonised road transport policies, laws, regulations and standards for efficient cross border road transport and transit networks, transport and logistics services, systems and procedures in the EA-SA region
Harmonised Vehicle Load Management
Harmonised Vehicle and Driver Regulations and Standards
Integrated Transport Registers and Information Platform System
Efficiency of Regional Transport Corridors
Develop legal/policy framework/guidelines to improve Member States’ implementation of Regional Economic Community (REC) obligations and support the domestication of regional agreement.
Capacity development at the level of the Member States through strengthening the member states’ ministries responsible for transport and transport sector regulation.
Strengthen REC Secretariats in order to enhance Inter REC coordination and the management of the Tripartite Programme.
Improve the alignment between regional and national development priorities in order to ensure that regional projects are prioritised in national development plans and receive required counterpart funding.
During the course of the project, member states will be able to request for Workshops or Technical Assistance on various Tripartite related content.
The TTTFP is currently in Phase 2: Implementation. Several workshops have been conducted with a view of introducing Tripartite Models to officials from the various Tripartite member states. Several requests for Technical Assistance have been received and are currently in progress.