Priority Areas For Support

Develop legal/policy framework/guidelines

Develop legal/policy framework/guidelines to improve Member States’ implementation of REC obligations and support the domestication of regional agreement. This will address the challenges of the region’s differing legal systems and tradition and the lack of legal drafting capacity in some member states, as well as ensure uniform transposition of regional agreements into national laws and regulations. It will involve provision of technical assistance for the drafting of laws and regulations and training of implementing agencies, including the judiciary services, in their interpretation and enforcement of the law and developing an enforcement mechanism to promote the implementation of Member States’ REC commitments.

Capacity development

Capacity development at the level of the Member States through strengthening the member states’ ministries responsible for transport and transport sector regulation, in order to ensure that they develop the capacity to undertake national responsibilities relating to the implementation of regional cooperation and integration obligations. Tailor-made capacity and institutional development solutions will be developed for targeted countries based on needs. The aim is to ensure that all states meet minimum capacity levels for implementing the harmonised policies, laws, regulations and standards.

Strengthen REC Secretariats

Strengthen REC Secretariats in order to enhance Inter REC coordination and the management of the Tripartite Programme. Support the effectiveness of individual RECs to participate in the joint planning, coordination and management of the Tripartite programme. The programme will be designed to match the assignment of responsibilities among the RECs, recognising that the lead REC will need more resources than the others to ensure proper implementation. The support will also include resources to facilitate designated REC representatives to hold consultations among themselves and with national experts, conducting rapid needs assessments, participation in validation workshops and project supervision and monitoring missions. This will also include the development and implementation of EA-SA Transport Sector Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) framework and tools.

Improve the alignment between regional and national development priorities

Improve the alignment between regional and national development priorities in order to ensure that regional projects are prioritised in national development plans and receive required counterpart funding. Whereas priorities at the regional level should be mainstreamed into national development activities, the regional programmes should reflect Member States’ important concerns. This will be achieved by enhancing engagement of National Planning Agencies and Line Ministries, and principal implementing agencies at Member States level, including consideration for reinforcing the capacity of regional mechanism for engagement and consideration of reconfiguring them where necessary.