Baseline Status
A pre-study confirmed the baseline requirements for the implementation of the Tripartite Transport and Transit Facilitation Programme (TTTFP). The findings of the baseline survey performed in 2016 confirmed the extent of compliance with the baseline requirements by 19 of the 21 Tripartite member countries connected by road traffic on the mainland of Africa. During the Baseline Survey the average compliance scores were calculated for each country based on the following criteria:
- Vehicles
- Vehicle Fitness
- Drivers and Professional Drivers
- Driving Codes
- Operators
- Weighbridges
- Law Enforcement
Summary of Tunisia
The decision to add the Republic of Tunisia to TTTFP was only made in 2019. Thus Republic of Tunisia did not form part of the baseline study that was performed in 2016. Baseline Status for Republic of Tunisia is pending completion of baseline study.
